Friday, May 14, 2021

Passive Agressive Bullshit

I just received a text from Cakeman. It said "Are you ghosting me?" And I wrote back "No, are you ghosting me? I texted you last." And nothing for the last hour. Seriously, why do I always have to be the one to reach out? When does this relationship get to be about me? I'm super tired of accusatory inoxicated texts after 9pm. I just want to yell and lash out but I'll use my ol' friend opposite action to step away from the phone. 

On reflection, right now, I really get so little from this relationship/friendship. I feel used for sex (which isn't really sex because he has ED problems) and used to validation his problems or views. And he can't even help me fix my car. Why I am the bad guy for asking for what I need? Or waiting for someone to text me back? What I get is someone who looks at me like cake but won't put in the time or energy. So, can a friendship survive on just a look? I don't think so. At least not tonight.

Date with grocery store boy on Sunday. Date with 2.0 on Tuesday. Maybe one of these will give me back what I put in for once. Otherwise, the search continues.


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