I think a lot about hope. A lot. And I actually think hope can be a dangerous thing. I had a moment of hope last year, a moment to think my future might be something that I wanted. And that hope was whisked away in a pretty violent manner. So, why do we hope? When it is hope that is often destroyed? Why do we dream? Does this dreaming, this hoping just set us up for impossible expectations that never seem to be fulfilled. Is hope actually dangerous? I don't know. I believe in goals, in striving to be better. But maybe hope doesn't have a place. Maybe it's best just to stay present. To not wish for what you want and radically accept the world and the present for what it is. A hopeless word seems a little cold and bleak, but maybe a hopeless world would stop some of the pain. You can't miss something you never hoped for. This is where I am.
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