Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Save the love, throw away the rest

My first love was a two parter. A nine month beginning with a two year sequel several years later. When we got back together, I was surprised to see he had kept my love notes and poems and doodles from our first go 'round. In fact, he has a small stack squirrelled in his sock drawer of lovely memories, and love notes. He showed them to me one sleepy afternoon. He said his grandfather had once told him to "save all the love that is given to you and throw away the rest." And so he did. Sometimes I wonder if my love is still tucked away neatly in his drawer along with the others before and after me. I'd like to think I'm there. A happy memory, an early love that taught him lessons he has brought into his future. And since he showed them to me, I have also kept my love. In a box, underneath my bed, in screenshots and photos, I hang onto the love. Love isn't something you should recycle or throw away. Save the love...and throw away the rest.


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