The Change
I'm watching a terrible tv show. It's awful. But, hey, I need some downtime, and something to distract my brain. And I'm watching this girl not listen to a guy who's telling her he's not interested. Over and over and over. And she's insisting her love will change him. Dude, people show you who they are. They tell you who they are. You may be the most incredible person in the world, but you can't expect people to change. They are who they are. And I've seen this with my girlfriends, insisting a guy will change for love. And I've seen this with myself, guys wanting me to change for them. You can't rely on that. Take people for who they are. LISTEN. Stop trying to make the change.
I blame the stories, the fairytales. The magic of love we are all told about. How is changes, transforms people. Love is hard. Love is not magic. It takes attraction and timing. And an acceptance for the person the way they are. Love is not without conditions. Love takes work. Let's start talking about love in these terms and maybe the next generation won't be so blinded by an idea that doesn't exist.
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