Thursday, June 24, 2021


I get told I'm brave. I get told this a lot. And it's something I would never consider myself as. I just kinda do my thing. I do speak my mind when I am pushed, I do fight the darkness in my mind, I do get up everyday, I do trudge through. And I suppose that is brave. I don't know if it has gotten me much, but, there you go. My bravery has been confirmed by many people.

So, sometimes I wonder if this innate bravery, this skill I don't even know I have, gives me limited patience for cowardice. The people who don't admit when they are wrong, the people who won't admit to their role in situations, the people who are afraid to say "I fucked up" and just walk away or avoid physically or with words, I have no time for that. Life is about being brave. To live, really live, you must be brave. Cowardice begets more cowardice and just makes you suffer. It just becomes a way of life. And instead of fixing and moving forward, you just stay stuck. Those things you want to change never will, because you are afraid. Fear holds you back. Fear will drag you under. 

So try. Try to be brave. Try to speak how you feel. Try not to let fear be your north star. Because it won't lead you only leads you back. And that is a sad thing to watch.


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