Friday, June 10, 2005

What's your pleasure....

Fetishes. There are lots and lots of fetishes out there. Lots, and some of them I can hardly believe exist. Last week while watching The Sex Files, the best thing on TV on a Friday Night other than the Red Shoe Diaries, but that is another story, I got to see their top ten list of fetishes. It got me thinking about fetishes and in particular mine. Do I even have any fetishes? Should I strive to get one? I am an extremely sexual being....I get turned on at the drop of a hat and multiple orgasms are something very common for me, but could tuning into a fetish increase my sexual experience? Could it bring me to the ultimate level? Or, by tapping into a fetish, would I ever be able to go back to "normal sex" again?

I guess the first step for me is to identify a possible fetish. There are some very unique ones out there. Very unique. Like, have any of you ever dressed up in a full deer costume to have sex? It is called furry sex. I must admit I haven't, and for me, I highly doubt it would be a turn on. I think I would spend most of my time howling with laughter. My friend Marleybone Coach once told me about an art teacher that once hired a hooker to shit on a glass table while he was underneath watching the whole site. That is definitely not my fetish. Not at all. I can't even change poopy diapers without my gag reflex kicking in. I have been dominated in bed, as most of you know, and I do like being submissive, but I don't like the pain. Or being hit. Or the bruises. Instead of unleashing sexual pleasure, I am too busy thinking "ouch, ouch ouch, for fuck's sake that hurts!" And, by having a low pain threshold, S&M is definitely out. Hey, I am all for a spank and a tickle now and then, but please keep the riding crop away from me...please master!

spiky Haired Boy revealed his fetish to me. He loved loved loved fat chicks, a category I fall in to. But, not only did he ogle fat chick porn, he liked to watch them eat. Yup. In particular, his fantasy was to "stuff" me and then fuck me. While explaining this, I kinda felt like a turkey. The concept, eat a lot. A lot. Like a full pizza and an icecream cake. And then have slow very full sex. Interesting concept, but I think I would once again puke. Don't get me wrong, I love food and it can be a sensual experience eating it, but not in vast quantities. But, I was willing to try it, as I am willing to try everything once in bed. Lucky for my diet, sex with SHB was boring and he was gone far before any of this stuffing could take place.

So, I guess the closest thing to a fetish I have is bondage. My exboyfriend Dennis bought me sports cuff after his work handcuffs gave me bruises. And they, they were fun. But not something I would use every time I had sex. And not something I would always have used on me, sometimes it is nice to tie up someone else. So, maybe it is back to the drawing board! I like shoes....but, not to sleep with....

So kids.....brave enough to tell me your fetishes? Let me know! Maybe you could suggest one for me....


Blogger Beatrice Petty said...

Lately, it's been all about the boobies for me... seeing as how I finally have boobies... I have the wall-eyed Irishman to thank for that!

Sorry... I am so boring.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Cascadia said...

Just your boobies or other boobies?

10:27 PM  
Blogger mollyblogger said...

Dirty talk... not all the time... but when you're having a wild, spontaneous romp, sometimes it's nice to hear words, not just grunts and moans.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Beatrice Petty said...

Sorry... that would be men and MY boobies.

Sorry for the confusion.

8:22 AM  

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