Monday, March 21, 2005

Interview with a Vampire?

Okay, so I didn't realize how long it has been since I made a posting on my blog! Must have something to do with the busiest of weeks in a very long time! So, my Friday included a big ferry ride over to the big city Vancouver. As I was waiting to board the ferry, my attention was caught by some loud music. Not the normal loud music that you here pounding out of lowered cars, organ music. Yes, loud scary organ music. The kind you would here in 1940's horror movies just as Dracula is sneaking up behind some damsel about to sink his teeth into her neck. It was so eerie, that I actually swung around to see if anyone was hiding in my back seat. Dracula was no where to be found and even though I searched the crowds of cars for 15 minutes, I never could quite pinpoint just where the music was coming from. As I was scanning the lines, I was searching for a hurst with speakers in the back. Who would listen to that kind of music in their car? The Addams family? Probably, but they were not boarding the ferry. I am left with the mystery of where and who was playing the eerie music. As I drove up the ramp, I couldn't help but wonder "is this a sign of things to come this weekend"?

Alas, no it wasn't. I had a lovely weekend in the big city of Vancouver. My first challenge, making it to my sister's place in North Vancouver. Now, I grew up on the Lower Mainland, but really, I am an island girl at heart. And when it comes to driving, to be very honest, Vancouver scares the crap out of me. Call me what you will, but all of those turny-things and the people who cut you off, makes me a wee bit nervous. But, I made it. In one piece. I actually let out a little yell when I made it over the Knight Street Bridge, up to Boundary and then over the Second Narrows. Cas was proud of herself! Although I couldn't get the "duhn, duhn, du-duhn....." of the vampire music out of my head as I drove through the crowded streets. I spent the rest of the evening hanging out with my sis at a friend of hers. A friend that does cocaine. Now, Cas is a pretty liberal girl, but honestly being around people snorting lines makes me a little uncomfortable. Especially, because they used my cash to smash the coke and snort the lines. I am totally paranoid that there is coke residue in my wallet and if I get stopped by the police they are going to take me to jail and there I will die because people in front of me got high and....okay, so you see how my mind works. The funny thing though was watching these people get high. We had a person who was a stock broker, a high-level manager and a person in the television production field. It has given me a new perspective on people. I truly wonder what people are doing on Friday nights. Is my banker shooting smack? Is my boss smoking weed? It my upstairs neighbour high on E as I type this? What are people that you meet superficially like on a Friday night? We all have our work behaviour and our private behaviour. Do I want the people who come into my work to know I take Ativan to calm myself down sometimes - of course not! But I do want to see what people are really like, yeah, it is interesting and possibly a little unnerving. The stock broker handles a 70 million dollar portfolio! Maybe I will have to look through a few windows.....kidding!

Saturday brought my friend's wedding shower! A nice afternoon and an overwhelmed bride to be! Much fun was had by all, even if we didn't surprise her! Let's just say, I am not as convincing a liar as I thought I would be. We spend Saturday night doing girly stuff like soaking our feet and doing make-up.

Sunday, ,we spent most of the day on Commercial drive! What a fun place! We sat outside while it was raining eating breakfast and drinking coffee. The best blueberry pancakes of my life. So good. And a nice full belly of carbs puts one in the mood - to buy a new vibrator! And that is exactly what I did! What a great investment! I think I am in love! I had thought for a while that I may have been sexually dead from the antidepressants I have been taking, but no, no I am not! I must say, I think it is the best $150 I have spent in my life. The best. Hands down. I don't think people will see me for weeks because I will be in my house, with big blue! I really think I should open a sex store - I think I would be good at it. And then I would get to do product testing. My poor sister - I don't think she was too used to me. We went specifically to buy a strap-on for her and her girlfriend, but she couldn't do it. At least not with me around. I was ready to try these things on, but she decided she would leave it to another day. Too bad, I always wondered what I would look like with a dick!

Today, today I had my long awaited interview! I was so nervous, but I think I did well. I guess time will tell! Out of 135 applicants, I was one of the 7 people who were short listed. So, I can feel pretty good about that! I really enjoyed the people who interviewed me and I think it would be an amazing place to work. I really hope, I am sick again with another cold and sore throat! Will this madness ever stop?


Blogger mollyblogger said...

Oh Cass... that's so great about the vibrator!! At least now you know that the medication's not to blame for your recent lack of enthusiasm.

Re: drugs. I'm with you. I'm constantly surprised by what some people do "casually", like cocaine. And I've been in that situation once before where I was just watching people do lines off a glass coffeetable and I remember wondering how many of my acquaintances were doing it too, behind closed doors.

Well, keep us posted re: the job. I'm crossing my fingers for you...

Feel better!

6:20 AM  
Blogger Beatrice Petty said...


A long time between postings indeed... but it was well worth the wait.

Glad you stayed away from the white stuff. That shit will mess you up if you aren't careful. Besides, why would you want to when you've just acquired something that will give you a thrill... just as addictive perhaps, but much healthier and less expensive.

Yay Vibrator!

10:11 AM  

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