Monday, April 11, 2005

Does size matter?

After a lovely evening, I just arrived home from a fabulous dinner at my gay husband's house. Every time I am over there, GH, or gay husband, puts my domestic skills to shame! He keeps a fabulous house, makes a wonderful dinner and prepares the most nummy desserts all while chatting away, appying on Brie and crackers and serving me drinks. When people come to my house, I usually haul a frozen pizza out of my freezer and burn it to a crisp. Ah, to be a gay man! I must thank you GH for a most enjoyable evening. It has been a while since we got together last and we must do it again soon. Plus I still owe you an anniversary dinner from March. French cuisine awaits us!

Although we had many interesting conversations throughout the evening, the one that suck in my mind was the discussion of penis size GH and I had over our meal of sausages. As I looked at the tiny tubes of pork on my plate, I was reminded of some boys from my past. And then it hit me, why do boys with small cocks ask you if it is big? Every single "slightly less endowed" boy I have been with has asked me a series of questions: Is my dick big? Do you like my big cock? It is the biggest you have ever seen? It's big eh? Is it bigger than the other guys you have been with? Does my big cock fill your pussy up?

I want to shout out "No"! No, it isn't. It is actually the size of my pinky. I have green beans in my fridge bigger than that! You are actually inside of me?

I am not saying that size is everything, but a girl does need a little girth. And where size is lacking, creativity, passion and enthusiam rain supreme. In all honesty, the first few inches of a vagina are the most sensitive and it hurts like hell when a penis bangs into my cervix.

I think of these questions are like what I see as the female equivalent - "do I look fat in this?". Do we really want an honest answer to that question? I am not sure, but I think these types of questions are asked not looking for a truthful answer. I think deep down inside, we really know the truth, we just want someone to tell us we are wrong. And I have been that girl. I have lied in bed when it has come to penis size. I thought it to be the courteous thing to do. But is this the right thing to do? If a relationship is based on trust, it is fair to be dishonest at such an intimate moment? Honey, your cock is small, but you make up for it when you go down on me? Is that enough to destroy a man?

The most famous of the small dick boys I have been with was JR. JR was a hard drinking, porn-loving west coast red-neck. Sweet guy with a heart of gold, but I think penis size meant the world to him. I knew something was up when I saw his truck before we started dating. Picture this: nice white jeep + 40" tires. It looked like a freaking monster truck. JR had to haul my ass up into it (which is no small feat) because it was way too tall for me to climb in on my own. Can we say compensating for something? Indeed! I have never seen a smaller penis. And he constantly asked me about it! It is big? And so on and so forth. Over and over and over again. How many times can you force a girl to lie! He must of known he was small, he watched so many pornos with he favourite being "Edward PenisHands".

That being said, we had some of the most explosive sex ever. Powerful orgasms, scratch and teeth marks and several, and I mean many, times each night. Our bodies were in-tuned and we figured out what each person liked and needed. It didn't matter that his cock was small - the drive and the passion made up for it in spades! It was much better than some of the "overly endowed" boys I have been with.

So, does size really matter? My answer - it is not the size of the lure, it is how you wiggle the worm. Just don't ask me about the worm's size. I don't want to lie to you. And in return, I won't ask you if I look fat in this! Deal?


Blogger Beatrice Petty said...

I honestky have to say that no guy has ever asked me about his penis size...

Now, if you were to ask me about whether a guy has commented on him being terrible in bed... ahem... Premajac Irishman... that's a whole other matter.

Now here's a challenge: How do you respond to the the comment "I'm sorry, I'm the worst lover ever!", without say "Yes. Yes, you are"...

1:32 PM  
Blogger mollyblogger said...

No way man... You can't say it doesn't matter. When you have to ask if he's in yet, and he is... you know it's too small. Big isn't good either. I don't enjoy re-losing my virginity every time I have sex.

But Cass, I know exACTly what you're talking about. Guy down the hall? Smallest penis ever. Our first night together he asks "it's pretty big, eh?" I just said, "um, I guess"... my gut reaction was to say "actually..." but I didn't. I hate it when they put you on the spot like that.

It's like... I know my boobs are small. Lying in bed, I don't go "so I've got massive knockers, eh?"... I mean, come on! Some self-awareness please!

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know guys who suffer from "Little man syndrome". You know... they are really short so they have to act like they are 8 feet tall and push their 'weight' around.

I think some of this syndrome leaks over into the "Other little man syndrome" and just turns some guys with small members into dicks (maybe they compensate by becoming exactly what they lack).

Besides, penis size shouldn't matter because a guy who really knows what he is doing doesn't even need to use it.

8:05 AM  
Blogger Beatrice Petty said...


Where did you go?

1:08 PM  

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