My Secret Single Behaviour
I wanted to shout out to Lurker Lou, who commented on the "Princess and the Pee-on". Welcome to my blog! And thank you for your great comment! Maybe it is just me, but I do believe "when you're in love, you do the things that just aren't done". Maybe it is dangerous, maybe it is silly, but that is what love is about.
So last night, as I was jumping up and down on my couch and screaming at my TV, I was quite struck at how odd the site would be to an outsider of Cassie World. I actually stopped for a moment to check if anyone was looking in the window! Seeing me do this might be reason to haul me into the loony bin, and yes, I know I am almost there, but it was just a Typical Tuesday night chez Cascadia. It started me thinking about my Secret Single Behaviour, boy, do I do some strange things. For those of you who are not Sex and the City freaks like me, Secret Single Bevahiour, or SSB, are the things you do in the privacy of your own home that others may think are odd, stupid, or maybe even a little disgusting. Most of us try to hide this behaviour, but today folks, I am coming out! Here is my some, and I really mean only some, of my SSB.
I am having a love affair with my couch.
Not like that! I don't mount my couch and hump it every night, but I do have a soft spot for the big fuzzy purple cutie named Ralph. Yes, I named my couch Ralph. He is warm, protective and he has gotten me through some rough times. Over the past 4 years, Ralph has seen boys come and go, his fair share of food and beverages (thank goodness for stainguard), different hair styles, different parties and many different guests sleeping on him, but he has always stayed strong and supportive. I even have been sleeping on Ralph for the last two weeks as I am finding it hard to sleep anywhere else. He is my friend, he is my confidant, he is the only man that hasn't left me cold.
I clean my house wearing practically nothing.
I know it is weird. But, I do like to house clean almost in the nude. I admit it. Now you may think, wow, that could be dangerous with those chemical, but I don't use anything that exciting when cleaning up. It is usually me and my swiffer and some lysol wipes. And then I have a shower in my nice clean shower.
I like reality or unscripted TV.
Yup. I do. Not all the shit like the midgets finding love, but I do like my big three: Survivor, The Amazing Race and The Apprentice. Hence I was jumping up and down on the couch, yelling at the TV last night - I was watching the Amazing Race. You may think I am cattle, but I don't care. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, most of the time I will screen out your call, settle in with Ralph and laugh out loud or holler at the TV. And if I am out for the evening, my VCR will be running and more times than not, I will watch my show when I get home. Sad, but it is my little joy in life.
I leave hair ties ad bobby pins everywhere.
I mean everywhere! Check it out if you are ever at my house. It is like an Easter egg hunt for hair accessories. I once even found a bobby pin in my fridge. How gross is that?
I love to pop zits.
Love it, love it, love it! And if I don't have any, I will go for yours. Watch out!
My favourite dinner is....
....popcorn and hot chocolate. So good. But I can only eat that when I am not watching the carbs. Yummy. My second favourite, MiniWheats, the cereal. There is something so naughty to me about having cereal for dinner.
I put on fancy clothes and walk around my house.
So, some of the time I walk around nude. Okay, well a fair bit of the time. But other times, I am like a kid. I will put on a fancy dress for no reason, do my hair, put on heels and wander around the house. Alone. Maybe I will read a book in my prom dress or watch reality TV in a bride's maid gown. It is something I do to feel pretty. And speaking of acting childish....
I like to make forts out of my furniture, blankets and cushions.
Did you ever do that as a kid? I certainly did! And I still do it! There is something very cozy and warm about a fort in your living room. You can go inside of it on a raining day, snuggle on in and forget about the rest of the world. Well, forget about it until your friend knocks on your door and asks what the fuck you are doing. One of the nicest things ever done for me by a boyfriend was making me a fort. What a hoot! He surprised me and then we decimated it by romping! There is nothing like fort fucking!
I make up little songs and rhymes and sing them really loud.
Constantly. It is a little family tradition started by my Dad. My sister does it too! It is so bad that my young niece is now doing it - she rhymes most of her words. In addition to composing our own diddies, we have a few family favourites: The fart song...."Pardon me boys, but that's the Chattanooga Choo Choo...." and my favourite, the dirty little song that my Dad sang to us when we were kids...
"Was it you who did the pushing
left the stains upon the cushion
footprints on the dashboard upside-down
Was it you, you sly wood pecker
who got in my daughter Rebecker
if it was you, you better leave this town
Yes, was I who did the pushing
left the stains upon the cushion
footprints on the dashboard upside-down
But, since I've had your daughter
I've had trouble passing water
so, I guess we're even all around!!"
And on that note, I think I will leave my SSB behind! I think that is all my ego can take for today! Thank god I live alone! Please please please, share some of your SSB with me. It will make me feel much better about Cassie Land!
So last night, as I was jumping up and down on my couch and screaming at my TV, I was quite struck at how odd the site would be to an outsider of Cassie World. I actually stopped for a moment to check if anyone was looking in the window! Seeing me do this might be reason to haul me into the loony bin, and yes, I know I am almost there, but it was just a Typical Tuesday night chez Cascadia. It started me thinking about my Secret Single Behaviour, boy, do I do some strange things. For those of you who are not Sex and the City freaks like me, Secret Single Bevahiour, or SSB, are the things you do in the privacy of your own home that others may think are odd, stupid, or maybe even a little disgusting. Most of us try to hide this behaviour, but today folks, I am coming out! Here is my some, and I really mean only some, of my SSB.
I am having a love affair with my couch.
Not like that! I don't mount my couch and hump it every night, but I do have a soft spot for the big fuzzy purple cutie named Ralph. Yes, I named my couch Ralph. He is warm, protective and he has gotten me through some rough times. Over the past 4 years, Ralph has seen boys come and go, his fair share of food and beverages (thank goodness for stainguard), different hair styles, different parties and many different guests sleeping on him, but he has always stayed strong and supportive. I even have been sleeping on Ralph for the last two weeks as I am finding it hard to sleep anywhere else. He is my friend, he is my confidant, he is the only man that hasn't left me cold.
I clean my house wearing practically nothing.
I know it is weird. But, I do like to house clean almost in the nude. I admit it. Now you may think, wow, that could be dangerous with those chemical, but I don't use anything that exciting when cleaning up. It is usually me and my swiffer and some lysol wipes. And then I have a shower in my nice clean shower.
I like reality or unscripted TV.
Yup. I do. Not all the shit like the midgets finding love, but I do like my big three: Survivor, The Amazing Race and The Apprentice. Hence I was jumping up and down on the couch, yelling at the TV last night - I was watching the Amazing Race. You may think I am cattle, but I don't care. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, most of the time I will screen out your call, settle in with Ralph and laugh out loud or holler at the TV. And if I am out for the evening, my VCR will be running and more times than not, I will watch my show when I get home. Sad, but it is my little joy in life.
I leave hair ties ad bobby pins everywhere.
I mean everywhere! Check it out if you are ever at my house. It is like an Easter egg hunt for hair accessories. I once even found a bobby pin in my fridge. How gross is that?
I love to pop zits.
Love it, love it, love it! And if I don't have any, I will go for yours. Watch out!
My favourite dinner is....
....popcorn and hot chocolate. So good. But I can only eat that when I am not watching the carbs. Yummy. My second favourite, MiniWheats, the cereal. There is something so naughty to me about having cereal for dinner.
I put on fancy clothes and walk around my house.
So, some of the time I walk around nude. Okay, well a fair bit of the time. But other times, I am like a kid. I will put on a fancy dress for no reason, do my hair, put on heels and wander around the house. Alone. Maybe I will read a book in my prom dress or watch reality TV in a bride's maid gown. It is something I do to feel pretty. And speaking of acting childish....
I like to make forts out of my furniture, blankets and cushions.
Did you ever do that as a kid? I certainly did! And I still do it! There is something very cozy and warm about a fort in your living room. You can go inside of it on a raining day, snuggle on in and forget about the rest of the world. Well, forget about it until your friend knocks on your door and asks what the fuck you are doing. One of the nicest things ever done for me by a boyfriend was making me a fort. What a hoot! He surprised me and then we decimated it by romping! There is nothing like fort fucking!
I make up little songs and rhymes and sing them really loud.
Constantly. It is a little family tradition started by my Dad. My sister does it too! It is so bad that my young niece is now doing it - she rhymes most of her words. In addition to composing our own diddies, we have a few family favourites: The fart song...."Pardon me boys, but that's the Chattanooga Choo Choo...." and my favourite, the dirty little song that my Dad sang to us when we were kids...
"Was it you who did the pushing
left the stains upon the cushion
footprints on the dashboard upside-down
Was it you, you sly wood pecker
who got in my daughter Rebecker
if it was you, you better leave this town
Yes, was I who did the pushing
left the stains upon the cushion
footprints on the dashboard upside-down
But, since I've had your daughter
I've had trouble passing water
so, I guess we're even all around!!"
And on that note, I think I will leave my SSB behind! I think that is all my ego can take for today! Thank god I live alone! Please please please, share some of your SSB with me. It will make me feel much better about Cassie Land!
OK, a few things...
1) Sorry Cass, wearing a bridesmaid dress while watching TV... is a little cooky... but I love it. What happens if someone pops by unexpectedly? I envision that Friends' episode with the wedding dresses.
2) A list of my SSBs (I have to tread lightly though... don't want the roomie to know ALL the crazy things I do when she isn't around):
* I wash the bathtub... when I am having a shower. Judge me if you will, but it's the past of least resistance. No residue. No scrubbing. Piece of cake.
* I have disco parties in our loft when I am alone... crank the tunes... do a little dance... make a little love... get down tonight WOO... get down tonight WOO! Anyway, call it a return to the Club Med days of yore... man o' man, does Bea have some moves!!!
* One of my favorite dinners/lunches is "Cheese melted on Buns". That's right, you heard me. I take cheese. I put it on a bun. And then I melt it in the microwave. Heaven. It it was socially acceptable to eat only "cheese melted on buns", I would do it.
* One the weekend, if I know that I won't be going out, or that the roomie won't be coming home... sometimes I stay in my PJs ALL DAY! Good times!
That's about it for now. I hope Cassieland is a little more populated now!?!
Lol... unlike my roommate, I never seem to get to be at the loft alone for great periods of time. But from the old days in my basement apartment in Vic, I have a few SSBs.
1) Painting furniture. Yep. When I was bored I used to put on audio tapes of beat poetry (Ginsberg et al.) and paint things.
2) Dancing like no one is watching. Yes, sometimes it involved recreating Flashdance sequences.
3) Playing tag with my cat. We would run around the house chasing each other for hours.
Sorry, all pretty tame... but super fun. Yay SSB! What would we do without it?
Very interesting... I do have a few SSBs I could share.
1) Like many others, I like to sing and dance when no one is watching. One of the most therapeutic thing for me is to sing really loud while driving. I vary the music depending on my mood, but it always feels nice. And it makes the long rides between Thetford and Sherbrooke a lot more enjoyable!
2) I talk to myself! I'm sometimes so lost in my thoughts that I'll actually have conversations with the person in my thoughts. It can be embarassing when I do that in a public place!
3) I do like to pop zits too! I wish my boyfriend would let me pop his (I've asked, but he said no).
4) This one is probably the most disguting SSB: I like to clean S's ears with Q-tips. And I love it when it's really dirty and colourful. He won't let me do it often so it's like a little treat when I can do it! That's so disgusting, I can't believe I really like that!
OK that's it, enough embarrassment for one day!
I know, I know, the zit thing is weird. Really weird! Thank you guys so much for posting your SSB - I am glad I am not alone!
Bea - when people show up and I am all dressed up, I screen them out. Pretend I am not home, or in the bathroom. Well, at least long enough so that they either go away or I have a chance to change. And cheese on a bun - it awesome!
Molly - love the painting! I have been trying to paint my house for months - I need your motivation!
LS - I think we must be related ....somehow! Except for the zit thing! You luckily didn't get that gene! I totally talk to myself....all the time. Even in public. Such a sign of old age!
Cap - The ear thing is really gross, but I can totally relate. Nothing feels better than having someone clean out your ears!
Thank you, you very brave ladies!
You guys rock! Long live SSB!
Nope - S is a person. Yup, a real live person. I am sure she cleans out her cats ears when she is able too!
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