Okay. So, I haven't been really lucky with the whole dating thing. I don't do it very often, I am a not really sure that I am any good at it. I usually hook up with people I have known for a few months that fall victim to my dashing good looks (hee hee) and wacky sense of humour. Or, they are just looking for someone who won't fight back, let them have as much space a they want and is really into sex. Really into sex. Anyways, I was really excited to have a cute guy flirt with me at a Video Game store where I was buying Kareoke Revolution - the best game in the world! He seemed really nice and quite normal, or so I thought, so I invited him to my Halloween party. He said yes and showed up to my house where he knew no one but me. Okay, that was cool, that took some balls. Points for Video Game Boy (VGB). As the evening progress, he kinda took on a "Ted Bundy" vibe - but he liked me. Boys don't usually like me! So I thought I was just being scared, or maybe just hoped I was just being scared! We played Karoke Revolution and he ended the evening doing a lovely acappella rendition of Ice-T's "Fuck the Police". It went on for 10 minutes. Okay, so the warning signs should be going off right? They were, but he liked me! I thought I was pretty. He wanted to sleep with me. And I was lonely. Oh, did I mention VGB has like 10 cell phones - including something called a "hiptop" that he constantly is texting and surfing on? Ding ding ding ding - maybe the guy just liked technology. So, I invite VGB over to my house again - just the two of us. We talk and I start to think, okay, maybe he is a bit weird, but so am I. Maybe I am really blowing this out of proportion. My therapist even told me to give him a chance. Date three. Our conversation turns to sex - as it always does with me. He tells me he is a dom - dominant. Yup. Okay, so I like it rough now and then, I can handle this right? And then he kisses me. He sucks my lips entirely into his mouth. Not sexy, not a turn on. All I wanted to do was puke. But I continued on. He liked me. When was I going to have a chance like this again? We head to my bedroom and I find out just what a "dom" actually does! Not only was he a terrible kisser, he kept slapping my breast. Over and over and over. It wasn't sexy, it hurt. Well, at least not to me. VGB did have one redeeming quality, he had the most beautiful penis I had ever seen. It was amazing! Beautiful shape, unbelievable size! With a dick like that, this couldn't be all that bad right? Then he tells me he " can't wait to make me" his, fantasies about "slapping my across the face" and wants to make me his "cum slut". Yup, cum slut. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all about the dirty talk - but not when you first meet someone. And their is no way in hell anyone is going to slap me across the face! I got rid of VGB that night, and then I puked. Yup. I puked. I learned some great lessons with VGB - bruises on your boobs take weeks to heal, even if it has a beautiful cock, it doesn't mean it's right for you.